Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,

Our first newsletter was published a month ago already. We are still working and our Federation is beginning to be known, thanks in particular to its website, but also to the various meetings, performances and competitive equestrian events to which we strive to participate, unfortunately unable to cover them all. If, on your side, you have ads, photos or comments on some of these competitions or performances in which Lipizzaners are involved, that you organize or which you attend, please let us know, we will be happy to edit them.

Thus, having been invited to the»Printemps des Ecuyers» in Saumur who was receiving the Spanish Riding School of Vienna, we were able to congratulate, on behalf of the Fédération Française du Lipizzan, Colonel Jean-Michel Faure for the beautiful performance given, under his control, by the Cadre Noir, and Madame Elizabeth Gürtler, who honored France with her presence , in accompanying the talented Ecuyer Herbert Seiberl with superb Siglavy Theodora I on the long reins. The Director of the Spanish school had also brought an authentic Styrian Gala Coach drawn by four Austrian Lipizzaner from the Federal Stud of Piber driven smoothly and brilliantly by Dr. Max Dobretsberger, Director of the Stud, and Chief Erwin Movia. You can find a small report of the festivities and pictures on the "The FFL invited to the Printemps des Ecuyers" of our website "" (under "Breaking News").

The Annual General Meeting of the Honorary Committee of the Spanish Riding School was held on the occasion, with very few members. However, they were was greeted by Joelle Bellon, being herself a member of the Honorary Committee, who offered as warmly as usual, a cocktail in the presence of several leaders of the IFCE and ENE, to inaugurate the new stand recently bought by the AFL.

Saumur also hosted throughout the weekend on the Hippodrome de Verrie the best teams of world leaders on one of the most beautiful site of European competitions, where were simultaneously held seven official competitions: 1, 2 and 4 horses (CAI-A), 1, 2 and 4 ponies (CAI-B) and (CAI-O - B) 2 horses ahead of the World Championship. International competition that led to Saumur candidates from around the world, it was a horse show with a very high level. Dressage 1, 2 and 4 ponies and horses (harmony, precision, control, presentation), Marathon all categories (endurance, timed obstacle course) and finally Maneuverability (test power: between 20 slalom gates), where we had the pleasure to applaud and encourage some very nice teams of Lipizzaner (unfortunately, almost all from foreign countries).

On another side, if there will probably be some more births before the season ends, we notice that new figures show an encouraging growth of young horses born in France, as since the last update of our website statistics (May 11, 2011), we have 19 new foals Lipizzaner born in France out of the 23 recorded by Sire in a month; the increase in males is twice that of females; however, if there are four additional mares (129), there is a only one new active stallion over the same period (13 in total on French territory).

Also our friends Lipizzaner continue to shine in dressage competition here and there, with quite satisfactory results considering that the french judges still see our horses as too 'baroque' to succeed. For example the young Caitlin BENGTSSON that won in BIARRITZ May 20, with her mare MARA, a very nice fourth place (out of 11) in Amateur 3 Imposé C Préparatoire (score 64.444%) and June 3rd in Royan, Odile VAN DOORN first one (out of 5) in Pro 2 Preliminary Preparatory with Lavan FAV CLARICIA (score 67.544%), Guillaume PHILIP, June 5th at Aubagne, a 2nd place (out of 7) Amateur Grand Prix with QUASI FAVT GRAINA (score 66.404 %), Anne-Catherine Bertagne a fifth place (out of 10) in the Elite Amateur Grand Prix at Maisons Lafitte (score 62.526%), and Ronan HASCOËT to Champcueil, June 12TH with Pluto Romina a first PLACE (out of 14) Amateur 3 Grand Prix (score 70.938%). We appreciate and applaud.

The Lipizzaners are beginners in other disciplines (especially CSO and CCO), and they must become better known and more appreciated. One of the goals of our association is to help them, we are open to your ideas in this perspective.

Always available to answer your questions, and in the hope that these small updates (which can be found on the website of the FFL) meet your expectations, please accept, Monsieur, Madame, Mademoiselle, the assurance of my sincere dedication.



Écuries du Château – 76220  MéNERVAL      tel : 00 33 (0)6 16 30 39 90

Association Loi de 1901

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